Movie Prop Collectors was granted a very special tour of famous special effects house, Legacy Effects.
Previously known as Stan Winston Studios, Legacy Effects continues the tradition of Stan Winston and his fellow artists, creating magical characters, effects, and landscapes from many of your favorite films.
If you have ever been to a movie, own a television, or read a newspaper, then you have seen SWS amazing work in such films as Terminator(1, 2, and 3), Jurassic Park (1, 2, and 3), Predator, Small Soldiers, Avatar, and many more.
Located in California, Legacy Effects is run by the many artists and partners who carried the torch after Stan’s passing.
Legacy has been a part of some recent amazing theatrical films such as Tim Burton’s, Alice in Wonderland, Iron Man 2, the upcoming films, Thor (2011), Real Steel (2011), and John Carter of Mars (2012).
I would like to thank the multi talented Richard Landon for this special access. Richard, one of Stan Winston’s friends and colleagues, started at SWS with the 1984 hit film The Terminator.
Mr. Landon has worked on many films as key mechanical and animatronic effects designer, supervisor, and coordinator, as well as puppeteer and makeup effects artist.
Enjoy Part 1 of the tour.
Part 2 will include more cool photos and HD video!
Full size Terminator Hunter Killer and full size Iron Man robot.
Terminator Salvation Hydrobot.
Legacy’s Life Mask wall.
Arnold and Linda Blair The Exorcist lifemasks.

Full size bug character from famous Orkin commercials.
Full size horse head from Aflac commercials.
Various molds of heads, bodies, and characters.
A frozen Kristen Stewart as seen in Zathura
Part 2 of the tour can be found below
April 29, 2010
Hollywood has come a long way since stop motion animation, with CGI effects. Pretty soon, nothing will be made, it will be ALL CGI effects. So we collectors need to strike while the iron is HOT and obtain what pieces we can, and help preseve what Hollywood is all about, ……”Another Mans dream , turned into another Mans relality and to be enjoyed today, tomarrow, and forever. You really have captured the HEART of just that.*****By the way, great job on this fanastic site!! Keep up the great work****
April 30, 2010
Thanks for this inside look guys, really cool.